Sapphire started out as a raptor-headed gargoyle (from Disney’s Gargoyles universe) in 1994, and has been representing me since I first got on the internet in 1995. Over time, Sapphire transformed into the sail-winged, feathered, raptor-ish creature you see here. She can use Liquid Form (otherwise known as the Amulet of Limited Polymorph) to assume other shapes if the need arises. She also has a few other magical items to augment her abilities.
Element: Air
Ajah: Brown
Alignment: True Neutral
Profile: Gamer (Customizer, Explorer)
Husband: Buu
Hobbies: Gaming & Creativity
Likes: Bacon, Goat Cheese, Veggies, Spicy Food, Naps, Day-Sleeping, Thunderstorms
Dislikes: Squishy or Slimy Food, Bright Lights, Loud Noises (besides thunder)

Buu, aka SFXBoo, aka SFXBuu
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 300lb
Facial Hair: Mustache, Full Beard
Element: Air
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Profile: Power Gamer
Wife: Sapphire
Likes: Bacon, Goat Cheese, Cucumbers, DBZ Abridged, CCGs, PC Games
Dislikes: Dirty Card Sleeves, Foods that are Sweet & Salty at the same time, Travel
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